Quality Managment (QM)
Our objective is to ensure that our patients receive the highest diagnostic and therapeutic quality of care through a process of continuous development.
The concept of an institution's internal QM system is to put such a quality development process in motion and sustain it.
In particular, the following key objectives must be achieved:
For the practical implementation of these goals we are using Deming's quality cycle, also known as the PDCA-cycle has become well known. PDCA stands for Plan - Do - Check - Act.
This cyclic process establishes our practice's core values as a learning, continuously improving organisation, thus ensuring optimal adaptation to changing conditions in health care.
We are also introducing an internal QM-system - the QM-Directive of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) 2.
As an instrument for the implementation of the directive we have decided on the European Practice Assessment EPA.
We have the following tasks during the preparatory phase
The standardised questionnaires in use were made available by the AQUA - Institute in Göttingen and also evaluated there.
Since the successful visit to our practice by an independent visitor on 13th May 2009, we have officially been recognized by the Praxissiegel Foundation as a QM-certified practice.
After another visit on May 2018 we were successfully certified again.
Registrier-Nr. FA 1205212
The concept of an institution's internal QM system is to put such a quality development process in motion and sustain it.
In particular, the following key objectives must be achieved:
- systematic patient orientation
- continuous review and improvement of quality
- Increase in job satisfaction for practice employees and management
- structured cooperation in care
For the practical implementation of these goals we are using Deming's quality cycle, also known as the PDCA-cycle has become well known. PDCA stands for Plan - Do - Check - Act.
Act or improve
This is how the goal
is reached
This is how the goal
is reached
Where we want to go
How do we get there
Where we want to go
How do we get there
Are we still
on the right path
Are we still
on the right path
Carry out the implementation
of the changes
Carry out the implementation
of the changes
This cyclic process establishes our practice's core values as a learning, continuously improving organisation, thus ensuring optimal adaptation to changing conditions in health care.
We are also introducing an internal QM-system - the QM-Directive of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) 2.
As an instrument for the implementation of the directive we have decided on the European Practice Assessment EPA.
We have the following tasks during the preparatory phase
- Self-assessment of our practice
- Employee Survey
- Patient survey
- Survey by our medical referrers, as well as
- Practice inspection
- Structured interview with a physician carried out by an independent visitor
The standardised questionnaires in use were made available by the AQUA - Institute in Göttingen and also evaluated there.
Since the successful visit to our practice by an independent visitor on 13th May 2009, we have officially been recognized by the Praxissiegel Foundation as a QM-certified practice.
After another visit on May 2018 we were successfully certified again.
Registrier-Nr. FA 1205212