Bone mineral density measurement (QCT)
Entrance: Fleischstraße 12 in Trier
Telephone: 0651 - 411 91
Appointment: required
A decrease in the rate of bone mineral density is physiologically dependent on age.
Osteoporosis or bone atrophy increases in particular in women in later life but is also a widespread bone disease, in which reduced stability can lead to fractures e.g. in the area of the vertebrae, the femoral neck, the wrist or the upper arm and thigh, even with trivial traumas.
Osteoporosis can often be positively influenced, taking into consideration risk factors, successfully by diet, lifestyle changes and medication if necessary - - even more important is early detection.
A precautionary check-up for the early diagnosis of osteoporosis is currently not undertaken under statutory health insurance.
Bone mineral density is only covered by health insurance if fractures occur as a result of osteoporosis, but then the option of prevention no longer exists.
In the case of private insurance, meeting the cost is generally not a problem.
There are several different methods of bone mineral density measurement.
Our practice in Trier offers CT - osteodensitometry (=QCT or quantitative computed tomography.
A computer analysis of three lumbar vertebrae is carried out more comfortably lying on the back in the CT .
Using special software the determination of the bone mineral density is carried out 3 dimensionally on the vertebrae, so that analysis is also possible in the case of non-overlapping wear-related bone growth (known as spondylosis deformans).
A comparison is made automatically with a healthy age appropriate comparison group.
In addition, a comparison with previous examinations performed in our practice -if any-, e.g. in order to assess the success of a prophylaxis.
Radiation exposure is low using modern technology, even if slightly higher than with DXA (an alternative procedure with 2 dimensional imaging which may produce errors by over estimating syndesmophytes, especially in the elderly).
Osteoporosis or bone atrophy increases in particular in women in later life but is also a widespread bone disease, in which reduced stability can lead to fractures e.g. in the area of the vertebrae, the femoral neck, the wrist or the upper arm and thigh, even with trivial traumas.
Osteoporosis can often be positively influenced, taking into consideration risk factors, successfully by diet, lifestyle changes and medication if necessary - - even more important is early detection.
A precautionary check-up for the early diagnosis of osteoporosis is currently not undertaken under statutory health insurance.
Bone mineral density is only covered by health insurance if fractures occur as a result of osteoporosis, but then the option of prevention no longer exists.
In the case of private insurance, meeting the cost is generally not a problem.
There are several different methods of bone mineral density measurement.
Our practice in Trier offers CT - osteodensitometry (=QCT or quantitative computed tomography.
A computer analysis of three lumbar vertebrae is carried out more comfortably lying on the back in the CT .
Using special software the determination of the bone mineral density is carried out 3 dimensionally on the vertebrae, so that analysis is also possible in the case of non-overlapping wear-related bone growth (known as spondylosis deformans).

Radiation exposure is low using modern technology, even if slightly higher than with DXA (an alternative procedure with 2 dimensional imaging which may produce errors by over estimating syndesmophytes, especially in the elderly).