Minimally invasive computer tomography-based procedures for pain therapy
Entrance: Fleischstraße 12 in Trier
Telephone: 0651 - 411 91
Appointment: required
Facet injection / sacroiliac joint injection
Often, degenerative wear and tear in the small vertebral joints or sacroiliac join leads to pressure sensitivity and pain during movement, which can be treated using targeted pain therapy.
The joint is represented by means of low dose computed tomography first.
Then, the fine injection needle is guided to the back of the affected joint using CT.
When the tip of the needle is in the correct location a mixture of local anaesthetic and cortisone preparation is administered.
Pain treatment using the described procedure is carried out in close coordination with the referring doctors and leads to a high percentage of significant improvements in complaints.
For some patients the repetition of the respective injection is possible at certain intervals.