
What is neuroradiology?

The relatively new medical discipline of neuroradiology is a specialised field of radiology.

MRT Wirbelsäule MRT Hirn Meningeom The main area of interest for outpatient consultants in neuroradiology is the imaging of diseases of the central nervous system - brain and spinal cord - and the anatomically adjacent regions. This includes, in particular the spine, skull, and cervical soft tissues.

MRT Gehirn MRT Gefäße
Examples of the neuroradiology spectrum include multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain tumours, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, herniated discs, spinal fractures or cerebrovascular diseases.


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Enormous information technology advances in recent years, as well as complex neurophysiological structures and operations require detailed specialist knowledge as a prerequisite for differentiated treatment.
Here we are in close contact with referring doctors in neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, ENT, orthopaedics, ENT and ophthalmology.